A dialogue between Sara Mearns, New York City Ballet principal dancer, and Honji Wang, under the artistic direction of Wang Ramirez
"They display their different senses of the same steps, sometimes in synchrony, sometimes patterning them as a question-and-answer session. We hear their breathing, although at some point high voices join in, and Mike Faba dims the lights a bit the lights dim a bit. Mearns gets down with the undulating steps, and eventually the women touch, tangle, embrace. "
— Deborah Jowitt, DanceBeat
"We’re not trying to mimic each other or imitate each other. We’re just trying to bring the best of both worlds together and see how it can work"
—Sara Mearns
"She (Sara Mearns) is the picture of someone that I wanted to be in a dream way and when I look at her, she is this perfect ballerina, everything is so fascinating... and I live my dream through our collaboration. We really connect, we become one body. Just with the timing and the breathing everything goes together and it feels very united".
— Honji Wang
Sara Mearns and Honji Wang
Creative Director
Wang Ramirez
Wang Ramirez